Thursday, July 16, 2009


The Alternative Names For Breast Cancer

By MC Ezzia

Alternative names for breast cancer are: cancer of breast; carcinoma - ductal; carcinoma - lobular.

Other names do people employ is familial; malignant neoplasm of breast; malignant tumor of breast; and mammary cancer.

Breast cancer is a disease in which certain cells in the breast become abnormal and reproduce with no control or order to shape a tumor. The most usual form starts in cells lining the ducts that bring milk to the nipple (ductal cancer). Other forms start in the glands that generate milk (lobular cancer) or in other areas of the breast.

However, not all breast cancers are similar. They happen from various areas of the breast, have various names and work in a different way, though they externally come out the same.

The first strength of mind for naming is whether the breast cancer is "in situ" or "invasive". In situ cancers stay in the boundaries of the type of cells that shaped them. In situ indicates "in place", staying where it belongs and not spreading. Therefore in situ cancers are at times named precancerous, signifying they might grow into invasive cancers at some later time. Roughly 20-40% of in situ cancers will do this if not removed. At present, roughly 12% of detected breast cancers are in situ.

The second part of the name informs something regarding that particular type of cancer. A number of breast cancers get their names from the cells of the breast that turned into cancer. If the cancer happens from the cells of the tubes or ducts that normally bring milk to the nipple, it is named "ductal" or from the ducts. Eighty percent of breast cancers are ductal.

If a cancer happens from the part of the breast that generates milk, it is named a lobular cancer. "Lobular" refers to lobes, or the milk creating structures. Ten percent of breast cancers are lobular. Another cancer kind is inflammatory breast cancer (3%) which leads to the breast to appear like it has an infection.

The names of other rare types explain what the pathologist observes when s/he looks at the cancer under the microscope. For instance, tubular breast cancer still shapes tube-like structures, medullary breast cancer has the color of the part of the brain named the medulla, mucinous cancers have mucus-like material, and papillary cancer has finger-like projections.

If you want to get some excellent resources on Breast Cancer, please visit my site on All about Breast Cancer or Breast Cancer Names

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Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Dr Oz Yoga - Top 10 Yoga Postures by Dr Oz on Oprah to Lose Weight and Burn Fat Fast

Dr Oz Yoga - Top 10 Yoga Postures by Dr Oz on Oprah to Lose Weight and Burn Fat Fast
By Amy Myers

Dr. Mehmet Oz is a regular guest in Oprah's shows. He says that regular yoga can help you stay fit both physically and mentally. It also helps you in weight loss by burning the extra fat quickly and naturally.

Here are top 10 Dr. Oz's yoga poses:

1. Prayer Pose: You must bring your hands in front of your chest. Say 'namaste' that means that the divine inside me must recognize the divine inside you. Take deep breaths from your nose.

2. Pointed Mountain Pose: Stand and then reach up to the sky with your hands together and look up with pulling the shoulders from the ears. This Dr. Oz yoga pose uses your body weight for the resistance. It also increases the flexibility and improves the blood circulation as well.

3. Toe Touch: Lower the arms to sides. Fold forward and then flat back when your hands reach the floor.

4. Toe Touch looking heavenly: Look up with keeping the finger tips as close to ground as possible. Now jump back with your flat palms. Now move legs back.

5. Plank Position: This Dr. Oz yoga pose builds up the core strength. Take the push up position and keep your arms straight. Lower your butt and firm your abs.

6. Collapsed Plank: This Dr. Oz yoga pose builds the upper body strength. Lower the plank like partial push up position.

7. Up Dog: Keep your shoulders back. With your eyes forward start lifting your knees from the ground. Put the weight on the top of the feet. This helps you stretch the spines as well as shoulders. It also opens the chest & lungs.

8. Down Dog: Press palms into the floor. Press the heels towards the ground. Keep your head between your arms and get relaxed for five breaths. This strengthens your whole body.

9. Air Plane: Put your right knee straight and then rotate the arms so that they move to either side. Keep leaning like an air plane.

10. Triangle: Twist the body so that the right hand is able to touch the right foot when the left arm goes up. Keep your legs straight.

Dr Oz's top advice on the Oprah show has been Regular Colon Cleanse for a healthy weight Loss and to flush out toxins from the body. To know more

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FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!

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Friday, April 10, 2009


The Secret, The Mind And The Way We Think - Can It Affect Our Health?
By Liz Ferguson

All those exponents of THE SECRET will loudly acclaim. "YES IT DOES".
The Secret teaches that our brain and the way we think is absolutely crucial to our results in life, no matter what those results may be, whether they be health, finances, relationships etc. Bob Proctor today is still teaching these principles and my guess is that he's making a fortune. If he is making so much money then what he teaches must be working for people otherwise his product would be valueless.

Anthony Robins, the guru of personal development teaches these principles as does Gerry Clark, world renouned motivator.

Dr Caroline Leaf from South Africa has a book out that is absolutely amazing. ( "'WHO SWITCHED OFF MY BRAIN''.) She has researched this concept, used it in her practise and teaches it all around the world. She has found that the brain sends out different signals with each different emotion. These signals are responsible for the release of different chemicals. Good emotion equals good healthy chemicals, example serotonin.. Bad emotion (fear) equals bad chemical, example adrenalin.

Now don't get me wrong here, adrenalin in moderation is good, in copious amounts, like all day and for weeks on end is damaging to the system, it's an overload, therefore toxic.That is like a lot of things in this world we live in.

Sunshine for example is very good for us, very necessary for our bodies, for our Vitamin D supplies and my opinion is that we know nothing compared to what there is to know. So my guess is that there is another 20 or so reasons why sunlight is good for us ; BUT not in overdoses. Sunburn being an obvious detrimental result along with skin cancer and sun spots.

Back to Dr Leaf, she has actual brain shots in her book that shows how damaging emotions can kill off parts of the brain (and I thought it was only pot users and alcoholics).

Another doctor in the US whom is often interviewed on some of the christian networks is Dr Don Colbert.. Here is a man who trained as a conventional doctor, was in practise for several years but had severe health problems himself. He "SAW THE LIGHT "so to speak and searched for solutions firstly for his own personal issues and then for his patients. He also is a strong exponent of the way we think affecting our health. I personally have seen him interviewed several times and he explains the relationship between the emotions and the toxic chemicals that damage our health. He calls them toxic emotions.

K C Craichy in his book SUPER HEALTH talks of the damages of stress on our health. Now tell me, how many everyday, conventional doctors understand the damaging effects of stress? The answer to that question will have to be in the hundreds of thousands I believe.
KC recommends prayer and meditation. Turning to God in times of worry and apprehension as we learn to trust in a far greater power rather that ourselves allows peace and calmness in much more readily. He also says in his book that stress management doesn't mean eliminating stress, it means changing how we react to it so that we don't feel overwhelmed by it..

On that note I remember something Jerry Clarke said on a tape that I used to own. He said that if something that he desired seemed too difficult, if he saw it as too hard but it was possible, he would simply change the meaning of the word easy. He now describes everything that he desires and is possible to do as EASY

Therefore it is a MIND THING after all.

My brother used the simple principle of not getting upset about anything while he was going through his conventional chemo and ray treatments. He simply says that he doesn't give a hoot. I think that being faced with such a life threatening prognosis as 6 months to live and get your affairs in order would be a great stimulus to me to change a lot of things. Hopefully I would change enough to get the job done.

I believe with all my heart that there is an answer, cure or at the very least huge help for every disease or illness that confronts mankind. All we have to do is to find it. Not everyone will, not because the answer is not there but because many of us do not do what it takes to find our answers. As Jerry Clarke would say, its easy, (possible)

Liz Ferguson

I hope this article is of encouragement and gives some ideas to you, the reader to help you move foreward to whatever your next step is healthwise, whether it be mind or body health or as in many cases, both. I am at For something to help the endocrine glandular system, the foundation of the body, go to.

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How to Eat Healthy in Your Car Or Office - 5 Healthy Snacks to Go

By Diane Gilabert

Do you eat in your car or at your desk between appointments? Don't resort to the vending machine or drive-through! Here are 5 snacks that keep your weight loss goals intact. They're healthy and filling too.

1. Nuts and Seeds - A small amount of walnuts, peanuts, or sunflower seeds can go a long way when it comes to satisfying hunger. Starbucks carries small packages of healthy nuts like cashews and almonds. Not sure how well they go with coffee, but they make a healthy, nutritious snack on the go.

2. Healthy Energy Bars - The challenge is to choose a bar that is not too high in fat, sugar, or additives - and that tastes great too! My favorite is Clif Bars. They come in a huge variety of flavors to please everyone, from Chocolate Brownie to Apricot to Oatmeal Raisin.

While a little high in sugar, Clif Bars are a satisfying choice with 10 grams of quality soy protein, 4 grams of fiber, and mostly organic ingredients. This is a snack you can feel good about too. Clif bars use all-natural ingredients, and the company is environmentally sensitive. Best of all, Clif bars were originally formulated for hikers, so they pack easily and stay fresh for a long time, even in a hot car.

3. Fresh Fruit - Satisfy your sweet tooth and get a good dose of fiber with a banana or apple. Even Starbucks and 7-Eleven carry fresh fruit so there are no excuses. If you're really motivated, pop in to the grocery store and grab a pre-made fruit salad.

4. Soy Yogurt - Why soy? While that's a topic for another article, the short reason is that dairy products are generally not friendly to most of us over age 2. Soy yogurt like Whole Soy and Silk brands are made from organic soy. They're creamy and delicious and come in a variety of yummy flavors.

Soy lasts longer than dairy too, so buy a bunch and stash them in the fridge at work. Just be sure to put your name on the bag or hungry co-workers might swipe them!

5. Instant Organic Oatmeal - Nature's Path Instant Organic Oatmeal is the winner among these 5 snacks for maximum nutrition and health benefits. Low in sugar, high in fiber, and made with organic ingredients, this oatmeal is killer. It comes in boxes of 8 single-serve packets. Keep some in your desk for emergencies. You can even top with raisins or nuts for variety and extra nutrients.

These 5 snacks will keep you satiated until your next healthy meal. Yes you can stick to your diet and be a healthy eater even if the rest of your life is completely hectic!

Get more healthy meal ideas and recipes by visiting

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Lose Weight Faster With These Healthy Eating Tips

By Bruce A. Tucker

Who isn't looking to drop a few extra pounds as the warmer months approach? Before you starve yourself to death or kill yourself in the gym start with the basics and you'll be surprised as to how much weight you can drop just from some minor changes.

Cut out the Salt
Sure there is a level of salt that your body needs for a variety of functions; however the foods you eat now more than likely have all the salt you will need in a given day. So for starters stop adding salt to your food while cooking and stop adding it to your foods once it has been served.

Cut out the Sugar
This being the toughest of the tips, we all have some kind of sweet tooth. Whether it is for sugary carbonated soft drinks, or the occasional sugary treat like a piece of cake, a doughnut or a slice of grand mom's homemade apple pie, sugar is tough cookie to break (pun intended). But sugar accounts for a lot of everyone's weight gain. By eliminating the sugars, for example drink a diet soda as opposed to a regular soda, drink Crystal Light as opposed to regular iced tea, and so forth, can add up to some huge fat savings if you will.

Change to a Healthy Spread over Butter
Do you put butter or margarine on a lot of things? I used to do that as well. There are a number of spreads at your supermarket today that are made from healthy fats such as omega-3 and omega-6 that are far better for you and taste just as good. Also instead of using butter to grease up a pan for cooking or baking, use a non-stick fat free cooking spray. You save literally hundreds of calories from your waste line by making that change.

Whole Grains
Growing up my mom always bought the white bread, the sugary cereals and oatmeal and really got me used to what I should not have been eating in the first place. So this took some adjustment time for me, but I made the switch from white bread to multi-grain bread, sugary oatmeal to a plain oatmeal and exchanged my sugary cereals of my youth for the more healthy fiber rich cereals that I need today.

Lean Meats, Fish and Chicken
By adding in good quality proteins to your eating habits you will be giving your muscles the building blocks it needs to stay strong and get lean. The stronger your muscles the more fat they burn and that is what you are going after. Stick with lean meats, plenty of fish and chicken breasts. Before you cook the food make sure you chop off any excess fat that it may have and if you need to flavor it, there are plenty of spices on the market that are sugar free, salt free and very tasty.

These are just five of the many ways you can make minor adjustments to your eating habits today that will pay big dividends on your way to your weight loss goals. Start implementing and you will be there in no time.

About the Author
Bruce Tucker is a contributing writer to Mike's How-To Blog, a blog that covers a wide variety of topics and how to do them. You can also follow him on Twitter.

Article Source:

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Want to Learn How to Have an Effective Diet & Exercise Plan? Try These 3 Ideas
By Thomas B. Chuong

When you subject yourself to undergoing a pretty strict diet and exercise plan, there are just some days when you feel exhausted doing it. This is especially true if you're the type of person who has no self-discipline at all.

As such, it pays if you will allow yourself to have some 'cheat' days. What this exactly means is that for every accomplishment that you make on your exercise and diet plan, you will have a reward for yourself when you can do one or a couple of things that you would usually not do under your fitness plan. It's easy to get away with it, and you can consider your cheat days to be a reward for your accomplishments in meeting your goals.

So what are the things that you need to do during your cheat days? Take a look at the following list:

1. Relax.

Remember that your cheat days is not all about reversing the progress that you've already done in following a strict regimen. Whether it's a diet-focused or exercise-focused plan, there is no sense in having a cheat day if it will just destroy the progress that you have made so far. Basically, what you need to do is relax the rules just a bit during your cheat days.

If your diet involves counting calories, then consider your cheat day to be a time to ditch your inner calorie-counting-calculator. This does not mean that you can devour every food that you crave for - just ease up a bit on yourself and break the rules a little.

2. Savor the pleasures that you will feel during your cheat days.

If you're on a really strict diet or exercise regimen, you can use your cheat days as your motivator. You'll be surprised at how rewarding yourself a bit can make you feel refreshed and even more determined to go back to your original diet or fitness plan so that you can easily and quickly reach your fitness goals.

3. After accomplishing a major feat in your diet or fitness plan, reward yourself with a cheat day.

Let's say that your goal is to lose 20 pounds during your entire program. Once you have managed to lose 5 pounds, reward yourself and work on losing another 5 pounds. Do this until your reach your original goal of losing 20 pounds overall.

Again, remember that the point of having cheat days is just to reward yourself for the accomplishments that you made so far - but it should not reverse any progress that you already made.

Thomas B. Chuong is currently writing about topics related to home improvement & decor, personal fitness, and home & garden. Find out more by visiting these sites Crib, and Elliptical.

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Healthy Eating Guidelines - 4 Surefire Ways to Give Your Body a Tune-up

By Dr. Kang-pang Chan

As you follow every line in this article, you'll discover some powerful information.
Here are the healthy eating guidelines I think you need to keep in mind when attempting to create a positive lifestyle changes:

1. Vary Your Diet
Before you do anything you must know that YOU will have to begin eating well-balanced meals each day. You have to make sure you choose foods that give you enough vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Meanwhile you'll have to keep your eye on your fat consumption, as well as the amount of sugar and sodium you take in. If you think these healthy eating guidelines are nothing, think again.

2. Take Supplements Sensibly
Listen to me very carefully now...before choosing a supplement, be sure to check with your doctor about safe doses.
Since vitamins and minerals can be bought in large doses without a prescription - you are free to take as many doses as you want. But here's the kicker: Do not take more than the recommended daily allowances. Why do I say this? Because large doses of some nutrients can have harmful effects. And another thing put your vitamins in a place where you will remember to take them. Consider taking them with meals when absorption is best.

3. Learn To Control Your Appetite
Ask yourself this often do you eat when you are NOT hungry. Take a long hard look at your eating habits. You'll be surprised at just how often emotions such as anger, stress, and depression are the driving forces behind when and more importantly WHAT you eat. You've got to be willing to take a stand and control your appetite. Mark my words; this will open the floodgates to healthy eating.

4. Cut Snacking Down To A Minimum
If there were a way for you to snack easily and responsibly, would you do it? Understand this - for many people, snacking in between meals or instead of them if a fact of life for most people. Does this sound familiar to you?
Here's something you probably don't know: your body could not care one way or another, if you eat foods at mealtimes or space them out through the day. The trouble is that some people tend to choose snack foods that are high in fats, sugar, and calories. In essence these snacks do not carry their share of protective nutrients. And the result is an unbalanced - unhealthy - diet.

You have to ask yourself, how will these healthy eating guidelines move barriers in my life. And what is it going to take for me to get started today. Give this topic some deep thought. Put these healthy eating guidelines into play right NOW. And, when you do that, you will be empowered.

Make sure you grasp the ultimate secret of How to lose weight permanently and Health Foods That Kill to ensure you will have a good and healthy body that everyone can only dream of.

Article Source:

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


7 Simple Ways to Live a Long and Healthy Life
By Ruth Hendrickson

Everyone wants to live a long and healthy life, and there are steps you can take to increase your chances of living a long life. Making healthy choices is the key ingredient to living a long and healthy life. To a large extent, we have control over how healthy our bodies remain throughout our lifetime. Here is a list of 7 simple ways to stay healthy and add years to your life.

  1. Breathe Fresh Air. Of course, this includes being a nonsmoker, but it is also important to get lots of fresh air outdoors. Many people spend their entire lives indoors, going from home to the car to the office, and back again. Getting fresh air outdoors is an important health benefit that is often overlooked. Try to spend at least a few minutes outdoors every day: take a walk or plan outdoor activities.
  2. Drink More Water. If you say you don’t like drinking plain water, then chances are you spend much of your life in a state of dehydration, and that is unhealthy. Try to drink between 6-8 glasses of water every day, besides coffee, tea, and soft drinks. Chances are that adding more water to your daily regimen will help you feel better and have more energy.
  3. Sleep Between 6-7 hours Every Night. Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to good health, but it is also important to get the right amount of sleep. Researchers have found that those who sleep more than 8 hours or less than 4 hours a night are not as healthy as those who sleep 6-7 hours a night.
  4. Eat Fruits and Vegetables. It is common in American society to eat an entire day’s worth of meals and consume very little fruits and vegetables. This bad habit has an adverse effect on your health. Meals eaten at home contain more fruits and vegetables than those consumed in restaurants. So try eating more meals at home, and when on the go try to take some fruit with you.
  5. Restrict Alcohol Consumption. If you drink alcohol, restrict it to one drink per day. Drinking more than 2 drinks daily has been shown to have an adverse effect on health. Some studies have shown that drinking red wine is beneficial, but you still should keep it to no more than one drink per day.
  6. Eat High Fiber Foods Daily. Diets that are high in fiber have been shown to help reduce high blood pressure, avoid high blood sugar, and help with elimination. High fiber foods include whole grain breads and pasta, fruits, beans and legumes.
  7. Exercise Daily. Researchers are finding that exercise plays a huge part in overall health. Those who exercise regularly have been found to be much more likely to lead healthier lives and live longer than those who do not exercise.

These are simple life changes you can start to work on now to make big changes in health as you get older. You don’t have to change everything at once. Try working on one item at a time and then once you have made it a habit, go on to another item. These simple life choices can pay big dividends over the years and add happy and healthy years to your life.

Visit for more information about how to make healthy choices for a long and healthy life.

Monday, March 30, 2009


How Many Calories You Should Eat Each Day

By Scott Christ

First off, here is a "simple equation" on how to calculate how many calories you should be eating per day. If you want a more accurate measure, keep reading after this equation:

Simple Equation to Calculate Calorie Needs:

Fat loss = 12 - 13 calories per lb. of bodyweight

Maintenance (TDEE) = 15 - 16 calories per lb. of bodyweight

Weight gain: = 18 - 19 calories per lb. of bodyweight

The Harris Benedict equation is a more accurate formula used to measure how many calories you need using the factors of height, weight, age, and sex to determine basal metabolic rate (BMR), which is calories needed by the body when it's "at rest". Once you have this number, you can then use it to determine how many calories you need per day based on your activity level.

Men: BMR = 66 + (6.3 x body weight in lbs.) + (12.9 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)
Women: BMR = 655 + (4.3 x weight in lbs.) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

Now that you know your BMR, you can calculate your daily caloric intake by multiplying your BMR by your activity multiplier from the chart below:

Sedentary = BMR X 1.2 (little or no exercise, desk job)

Lightly active = BMR X 1.375 (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk)

Moderately active = BMR X 1.55 (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk)

Very active = BMR X 1.725 (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk)

Extremely active = BMR X 1.9 (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)

Example of How to Use the Harris-Benedict Formula:

-You are a female

-You are 30 yrs old
-You are 5' 6" tall (66 in.)

-You weigh 120 lbs.

-Your BMR = (6.3 x 120) + (12.9 x 66) - (6.8 x 30) = 1339 calories/day

Your activity level is moderately active (work out 3-4 times per week)
Your activity factor is 1.55

Your total daily caloric need is = 1.55 X 1339 = 2075 calories/day

For more healthy eating tips, free healthy recipes, and free exercise plans, go to

Also be sure to check out

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At Last! - 10 Healthy Eating Tips That WORK!
By Dr. Kang-pang Chan

How much time do you spend putting healthy eating tips into practice?

Listen, I'm not kidding around, how many times during the day do you correct bad habits and place them with new ones?

I'm telling you, it's a game of inches, and you've got to be willing to make significant changes. Sooner or later you're going to have to implement some healthy eating tips in order to get your body into shape and your health on the right track.

You need balance.

But, how are you going to do it? How are you going to get healthy? How are you going to change?

This is probably the most challenging assignment there is when it comes to figuring out the best healthy eating principles to apply to your life.

You see, I find the whole subject of healthy eating absolutely riveting. I am fascinated by what it takes to change eating habits and lose weight.

By now you're probably wondering - what does it take to create a healthy eating lifestyle? That's the subject of this article today.

What does your body really want? No doubt it wants to be fed when it's hungry, loved, and nourished.

It doesn't want to be filled to the point that you feel like you are ready to pop. It wants to enjoy food, and feel good all the time.

And as you and I both know, good healthy eating tips are powerful.

Eating healthy can cause you to drop excessive weight. Eating healthy can increase your energy. Eating healthy can assure that your body is getting all the nutrients it needs.

Let's take a closer look at some riveting healthy eating tips you can use right NOW.

1. Let your bad snack choices bite the dust. Snacking is fact of life for most of us.

2. Get on the up and up and buy fresh foods as opposed to processed foods.

3. Take the bull by the horns and remove any junk food you have in your house.

4. Don't be excessive - leave extra salt, and sugar of the equation.

5. Be more careful about eating large meals and extra snacks before you got to bed.

6. Restore balance by designating only two places for meals in your home.

7. Command at least 30 minutes for each meal.

8. Be disciplined and savor each bite you take.

9. Trust you gut and avoid second helpings.

10. Don't dwell on always cleaning your plate.

If you act now, the results will be astounding. Do whatever it takes to begin using these healthy eating tips as soon as possible.

Get ready for change. You are really going to like it.

So, go get the Develop A Healthy Eating Habit advice at here before you've gone astray too much on the path to health and fitness.

Article Source:

Heart Health

Take Care of Your Heart Like You Take Care of Your Family

By Allie Moxley

There are things we do for those we love, whether it is a child or a pet: we feed them well, we walk them (if they are the four legged breed), and we make sure everything is running well. A healthy heart can be taken care of in the same way. "No more heart disease" can be a mantra that seems like an impossible feat, but when broken down, it can also be pretty simple: eat well, exercise, don't stress out, and ditch the (smoking) sticks.

A healthy lifestyle is one of the best ways you can ensure your heart health, but what does it mean to lead a healthy life. It starts with food and exercise, but also encompasses other healthy habits like knowing your heart related numbers and controlling diabetes if you have it.

When heading to the grocery store, clearly it is easier to buy canned and bagged, processed and precooked "food," but the real food is hanging out in the fruits and veggies section. It is easier than you think to cook fresh. For breakfast, ditch the eggs and bacon or the sugary cereals and instead try oatmeal with a spoonful of honey, cut up bananas, and a dollop of cinnamon. For dinner, try tossing together quinoa with corn, onions, tomatoes, and whatever other vegetable suits your fancy and let them simmer with a bay leaf, oregano, and a pinch of salt for 20 minutes and bam you have a soup. The American Heart Association helps in the important journey to no more heart disease by publishing recipes delicious as they are heart-healthy. Mushroom Quesadilla, Fudgy Chocolate Walnut Pie, Spicy Baked Pork Chops, and a delicious Banana Walnut Bread are just a few. Another simple tip, shop with lists and make lists from recipes that you will cook. Also, instead of white [insert product: sugar, bread, rice, pasta], buy it brown.

Exercise also doesn't need to be a headache. Instead of driving to the corner store, walk; instead of busing to the park on Saturday, bike. Make family outings on foot and teach your family that physical activity is a part of healthy lifestyle. Start with 30 minutes of activity, 5 days a week and build up as your schedule allows. There should always be time for health!

Other decisions that can help bring to fruition the mantra of "no more heart disease": stopping smoking and stopping overly stressing. Instead of fuming, start meditating, instead of lighting up, start knitting. Whatever it takes to prioritize your hearth health today will surely pay off tomorrow.

Alaska is home to an abundant variety of seafood, and offers some of the purest marine, freshwater, and upland habitats on the planet.

From the clear crystal waters comes seafood that is delicious and healthy. Alaskan seafood is low in fat but big on flavor and Omega-3 oils. You can study thousands of pages of nutritional research. Or, simply observe the amazing health and longevity of people in countries where seafood is the most important part of their diet. Either way, Alaska seafood is as healthy as it is delicious.

Are you are looking for a meal that is low in saturated fat, filled with nutrients and packed with good heart healthy Omega-3s oils? Then you should start with Alaska Seafood.

Article Source:

Healthy Food

Getting the Proper Nutrients
By John Parks

Because nutrition plays such a vital role in our physical, mental and emotional health, it is important to note how certain foods and herbs can affect the human body. Most people have a general understanding that nutrition is good for you - you get it from food like meat, vegetables, nuts and seeds and dairy. But what most people don't know, at least until as of late, is that the quality of our food today does not compare to the quality of food of yesterday.

Before industrialization took over in the early 1900s and began processing the food products we like to eat, food was grown and harvested with little intervention by man. In the days of old, barley, wheat, rice, oats and other grains were harvested from mineral rich soil which provided the minerals of the same sort into the grains themselves. Flour and rice were not bleached, potatoes were not dehydrated and preserved, vegetables were not put in metal cans, and grains were not robbed of their nutritional value by processing techniques designed to "enrich" them.

Altering of the genetic makeup of seeds has also caused our vegetables and grains to produce less nutritionally endowed food. Grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds we once thought of as so rich in nutrition now cause our bodies to react with onset of symptoms of disease and mental imbalance. This one fact is overlooked by the general population, and is taken for granted by those who simply don't know.

The same holds true for our modern-day livestock and poultry industry. It is no secret that the meat we eat is loaded with antibiotics, growth hormones, and other toxic ills that are designed to prevent disease, however it is now common knowledge that many of these toxins actually create disease. Mad cow disease, obesity, and even cancer are among some of the most common maladies resulting from the consumption of mass-produced meat. Is it any wonder that so many diseases are rampant throughout our country, and even the industrialized world?

Lack of proper nutrition can cause the body's immune system to suffer irrevocable hardship, some of which are listed below:

• Lethargy
• Muscle pain, cramps and aches
• Joint stiffness and inflammation
• Mental lethargy, confusion
• Faltering memory
• Lack of drive and inspiration
• Unexplained skin conditions
• Hair loss
• Vision and hearing loss
• Mood swings, depression, anxiety and other mental conditions from brain chemical imbalance
• Irrational behavior
• Low blood sugar, high cholesterol, heart disease and other common medical conditions

The list above is just a few of the growing number of physical, mental and emotional conditions that arise from lack of proper nutrition. To help you get a better idea of how nutrition affects the human body, there are a number of resources on the Web that provide information. You can find information on nutritional deficiencies and their symptoms by typing in the symptoms name, or by searching for a specific type of vitamin, mineral, or herb and does the word "deficiency" after it. Also you can seek out nutritional counseling in your local area by doing a web search for "nutrition specialists", "alternative medical doctors", "herbalists", and even "weight loss and nutrition".

Remember, it is essentially up to you to be the caretaker of your temple. Providing the proper nutrition and fuel that it needs to function to its optimum requires your awareness of exactly what you put inside it.

For more information on nutrition, visit and

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Sunday, March 29, 2009

Heart Health

High Cholesterol Information
By Jason Hunter

The heart is a very impressive organ; it beats an average of one hundred thousand times a day. There is two to three ounces of blood that flows through your vascular system with every beat. The vascular system consists of some sixty thousand miles of arteries, veins and capillaries.

However, no matter how impressive the heart is, its efforts will not do much good if the great vascular highway is clogged up. Unfortunately, millions of people have a build-up of cholesterol and other fatty substances in the arteries that hamper the flow of blood and promote the development of blood clots. Over a long period, it can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other diseases of the vascular system.

Cholesterol itself is not harmful. Actually, this waxy substance plays a big role in our health and well-being. The body produces cholesterol daily to manufacture cell membranes, bile acids, a range of sex hormones, and vitamin D. Cholesterol only becomes a problem when it rises to unhealthy levels in the blood.

There are two types of cholesterol:

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is the dangerous one. When high levels of LDL are present in the blood, it promotes the development of a dense, fatty layer called plaque on the artery walls. Over the years, the plaque gets thicker and makes it harder for blood to flow through the arteries. Plaque is also a promoter of blood clots that can slow or stop the flow of blood. Try to keep your LDL level below 100.

High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is the good one. It is responsible for removing the excess LDL from the blood and transferring it to the liver for discarding. Try to keep HDL above 40.

To avoid trouble, do your best to keep your total cholesterol level, which is the sum of HDL, LDL, and other blood fats, below 200.

Seeking professional care

As you know, uncontrolled high cholesterol can be a serious health problem. If possible, try to have your cholesterol tested at least every six months. If your total cholesterol reading is above 200, your physician may want to test you every three months, while he or she works with you to try to get it within a healthier range.

Unfortunately, many doctors put their patients on cholesterol lowering medications before trying to lower the numbers through natural means. You can have success with a combination of diet, nutritional supplements and lifestyle changes.

High cholesterol is one of the lifestyle diseases that can be cured and reversed naturally. Therefore, try to find a natural health oriented physician to treat this condition. Most cholesterol lowering drugs take months to lower your cholesterol levels only a few points, while people who use diet and lifestyle changes could drop their levels by a whopping 100 points in a matter of weeks. Cholesterol lowering medication also does damage to the liver.

Find out how to lower your high cholesterol naturally without harmful drugs:

Natural Remedies For High Cholesterol -or- Cholesterol Natural Remedies

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Heart Health

Heart Healthy Living During an Economic Crisis
By Kirsten Whittaker

Even before the full force of the economic downturn became part of the nightly news, the levels of stress Americans were feeling about our finances were pretty intense making heart healthy living more difficult.

The American Psychological Association completed a survey called Stress in America, released in October 2008 (with data collected as late as September, just as the stock market was heading downward) found a full 46% of us were already worried about providing for our families basic needs.

Money was a concern for 72%, work for 68%, housing for 47% and job insecurity by 34%.

What's worse, more of us are reporting physical symptoms from all that stress compared to a year ago. The sleepless nights and a shorter fuse. The wrangling and worry are chipping away at our health.

At these unhealthy (and constant) stress levels, coupled with eating fat and calorie laden foods and dropping workout sessions to take on more hours at work, we're all taking a pretty big chance with the health of one of our most vital organs - our heart.

What can you do to help yourself?

One of the first, best things you can do is to take better care of your body by eating a healthy diet that gives you the 5 servings of fruits and vegetables experts recommend we eat each day.

Cooking foods at home, instead of using prepared ones or eating out, can help you save money and give your body good-for-you basics at the same time.

Food closer to it's natural state is almost always more affordable than a prepared alternative - think salad in a bag vs. the old fashioned head of lettuce, tomatoes, radishes and such. Convenience is expensive, and it isn't always good for us.

But diet is only one part of the heart health picture.

You also need to know the risks your body has for heart disease.

- Do you have a family history of heart disease?
- What are your cholesterol numbers?
- Do you have low enough LDL (bad) cholesterol and high enough HDL (good) cholesterol?
- And what about your blood pressure, is it high or low?

Recognize too that the heart is a muscle, and like other muscles, to stay strong and healthy it must be exercised and exercised regularly. Even just half an hour of walking a day is a good start.

Almost as important, finding a way to manage your stress level is another key to keeping your heart healthy.

You need a positive outlet for all that nervous energy - rigorous workouts or cleaning, meditation or relaxation breathing, hobbies or laughter - all are great for reducing the stress in your life.

The American Psychological Association also offers some wonderful, common sense tips for managing your stress level during these uncertain economic times.

During times when money is tight, you might be tempted to put off your healthcare or cut your gym memberships.

But doing this hurts you more in the long run as you feel bad for longer than you have to, and end up spending more time and money getting yourself well (or in healthy shape) again.

If you're having trouble affording your prescription medications, talk with your doctor.

Often the pharmaceutical companies have programs to help patients get the medicine they need at no cost, or the doctor might be able to supply samples to help you out.

Good heart health also comes, as we all know, from not smoking, and avoiding second hand smoke as much as possible.

Smoking, beyond the expense, greatly increases your risk of heart problems, as well as other dangerous diseases. Quitting now will start you on the road to reduced risk and saving some money too.

It's easy to allow the bad news to take over and sabotage your health. The trick is to remember this isn't the first time we've faced tough times, and it probably won't be the last.

We may not be able to control what happens in the economy or the world around us, but we can control the toll it takes (or doesn't take) on our heart and our health and ensure we stick to heart healthy living.

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more health tips showing you effective ways for heart healthy living and get 5 free revealing health reports.

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Healthcare for A Healthy Life

Healthcare with Natural Remedies - Nutrition, Exercise, Water

By Richard Ruhling

Dr. Lester Breslow, Dean of the School of Public Health at UCLA did a 10-year, federally-funded study of Alameda County residents. He found seven simple habits meant an average of 11 years advantage, but the extremes-those who observed all seven and were "happy" had a 30-year advantage over those who broke all seven rules. The study fit the NEW START concept above.

People who smoked, drank, were obese, unhappy, who failed to exercise or drink five glasses of water, who failed to get 7-8 hours of sleep and who ate no breakfast lived 30 years less than those whose habits were the opposite of the above. We look at each briefly.

Nutrition: fruits and vegetables are known in nutrition as the protective foods. The dark greens are among the highest in vitamins and minerals. Sprouted whole grains, barley and wheat grass are exceptional. Uncooked food has enzymes that some cancer survivors say are helpful. Beans and peas balance the protein in whole grains to make it more complete, but even a potato has more protein per dollar than most meats which also are high in cholesterol, fat and no fiber.

Exercise: Outdoor exercise of a practical nature like gardening is great. Aerobic exercise like jogging, hiking, racquetball, soccer, basketball and swimming are better than tennis or bowling. I like stair climbing, chin-ups, pushups, sit-ups (no gym membership needed). Daily is best.

Water: 5-6 glasses a day are the goal unless you are overweight; then an extra glass (8 oz) for each 25 lbs overweight. Vegetarians need less because high protein works the kidneys.

Sunlight: When cholesterol was discovered as a cause of heart disease (Framingham Study), they thought people would not give up meat, so they changed the fats from butter to margarine and from lard to Crisco. The polyunsaturated fats lowered cholesterol, but those fats went to the skin where the sun then became a risk for skin cancer when it never had before. We now know sunlight is beneficial; it converts cholesterol to Vitamin D which prevents osteoporosis.

Temperance: This means abstinence from harmful substances like tobacco and alcohol, but not so obvious are a long list of potential problems from tea, coffee, food additives, flavor enhancer and excitotoxins. A huge overlooked danger comes from prescription drugs which have made medical care, the #3 cause of death in the U.S. Journal of American Medical Assoc, July 26, 2000. People become toxic to medicine that doesn't cure, but relieves their symptoms for weeks, months or years. When they get a headache, they go for another prescription instead of eliminating the drug that caused it, putting them on a slippery slope.

Air: Fresh air is best. Nature not only takes our carbon dioxide that we exhale and converts it to oxygen by a process we know at photosynthesis, but plants put a negative charge in the air that is beneficial. Animal research suggests protection against cancer, for example.

Rest: In Breslow's study, 7-8 hours of sleep at night was best. Recent studies show night shift workers have a higher risk of numerous health problems. And a Swedish study showed heart attacks went up 10% in the spring when daylight saving time meant getting up an hour earlier.

Trust in Nature: "Nature heals, not the physician" said Hippocrates. 45 years of being called Doctor has shown me that many of man's interventions, especially with drugs, but too often with surgery, only made the patient worse off. A Harvard cardiologist, for example, told 60 Minutes that 85% of the patients who came to him for a second opinion did not need heart bypass surgery. It was good for the surgeon, but little if any advantage for the patient.

Trust in God: We say it on our money, but we are entering a time when, without money, our trust in God may be tested. This area of life reflects on our basic attitudes. People tend to be givers or takers. When we understand that God loves us and is benevolent toward us, it helps us "pay it forward" to the next person. And in so doing, we are often blessed with a happiness that we would probably not have otherwise.

Richard Ruhling, MD, MPH, board-certified in internal medicine became Assist. Prof. Health Science at Loma Linda University (1974-78) He recommends his favorite book on life and health for low cost at

His website suggests meaning in current events that are fulfilling Bible prophecy, predicting the economy crash, and that's not all,

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Healthy Digestion

Digestive Aid - Top 9 Herbal Assistances to Improve Digestion

By Kate Willson

The digestion system lays down the foundation of a person's health. So it must be working properly. Our body fights with the toxins that enter from outside environment as well as those that are formed inside the body. At one stage we cannot resist the power of toxins and the digestive system gets clogged. The chemical aids used in that scenario can make the condition bad to worst.

Here are Top 9 Herbal Digestive Aid to Improve Your Digestion:

Cayenne : It fights the internal bacteria. It relieves the gas. It is also known to accentuate the action of the digestive enzymes.

Black Pepper : It gives you an abdominal massage by washing away all the toxins and cleansing the internal system.

Papaya Fruit : It helps in weight loss. It also aids in keeping the digestion system working fine.

Horseradish : It stimulates the digestive organs and aids in the cure of chronic rheumatism and paralytic complaints.

Calamus : It should be chewed to cure tooth ache. It is a great help in quitting smoking.

Gentian : Its eases the gall bladder problems & indigestion. If you take it 30 minutes before the meal, it increases the appetite. It stimulates the digestive juices and the pancreatic activity. It boosts the blood supply in the digestive tract & the intestines. It is especially helpful for the fat & protein digestion. This also stimulates the production of bile.

Agrimony : It acts like a tonic for the digestive system. It treats the peptic ulcers and colitis. This plant regulates the functions of the liver & gall bladder.

Alfalfa : It treats the ulcers and adds to the capillary strength. It reduces inflammation of the stomach lining. It is highly rich in vitamin A that maintains the stomach's health. This herb's enzymes aid in food assimilation.

Cinnamon : It is an astringent, stimulant, antiseptic. It stops vomiting & relieves flatulence.

Dr Oz, Oprah Winfrey & Rachel Ray have all endorsed the Dynamic Duo! to improved digestion and complete body detox.

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Thursday, February 12, 2009

अ हेअल्ति लाइफ HABIT

Eating For a Healthy Life
An executive summary by Mark स्नारे

Food producers bombard us with information and stimulus to buy their product, the health food industry has sprung up in the last 70 years to supply more information and more products। My advice here is to eat natural food and be rightly wary of manufactured food stuffs, once eating natural foods again your instincts will lead the way.

Portion size is a real problem too, eating slowly and allowing your food to hit your stomach is a good idea, this will allow you to feel full and satisfied without over eating and feeling uncomfortable।

Exercise was never a problem; imagine washing your clothes by hand or chopping a tree down, into logs then carting them home to burn for heat। I just make sure each time I eat, I eat a little. Being overweight puts a strain on every internal organ, every joint AND makes it harder to be fully active.

फाइव Tips to Lead a Healthy Life
By Joseph Devine

Getting older puts health and life in a completely different light।

1। Your body needs energy: Feeding your body the right foods in the right amount of proportions is the perfect way to get that energy. You need three servings of dairy products, three servings of good protein, four servings of fruits, five servings of vegetables, and 10 servings of grains and cereals. Cut back on that food you know you should not eat, like candy, chips, and sodas.

2। Your body needs movement: Everyone knows that exercise is a key part of being healthy, even if we do not like it. Try to get at least an hour of exercise three times a week, minimum to keep a healthy body.

3। Your mind is an integral part of your health: If you are continually stressed, work long hours, and have no time for yourself, your health is going to suffer।Getting enough sleep, going out to have fun, and being with your family can do wonders for a healthy mind.

4। Cut out harmful habits: Your body is not made for consuming large amounts of alcohol or drugs.

5। Visit your doctor regularly: If something hurts, something's wrong. Living a healthy life may seem difficult at first, but it is a guaranteed way to feel better about yourself and your life.